The ketogenic diet is one of the most effective diets available, but it is not easy. In the beginning, you need to adapt your entire body to enter ketosis. If you get lost you will have to start the whole process over again.

The most successful ketogenic freaks are masters of their craft, armed with tips, tricks, and trade secrets that only the knowledgeable know—hack if you will. You have two options: You can spend years learning these secrets, or read our list of the best keto diet tips written by experts.

  1. Choose Eggs and Bacon Instead of Cereal
    As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it makes you feel good and works well throughout the day.
    But most of us tend to eat sugary, high-calorie foods like cereal for breakfast, which is a bad start to the day in ketosis. Cheap cereals, in particular, often contain unhealthy sugars.
    Try eggs and bacon for breakfast next time.
    This food is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, which are essential for your keto diet. You can try different eggs to make them more delicious or interesting.
    To keep your bacon healthy, don’t forget to use coconut oil when frying.
  2. Plan Your Week
    To ensure you follow the ketogenic diet all week, be sure to plan your meals throughout the week. This way you know exactly which ingredients will and won’t be willing to do the trick.
    There are tons of great keto meals out there, so try to plan a week in advance!
  3. Pack Your Healthy Meals
    For those new to the ketogenic diet, I recommend that you make it a habit to pack your own lunch for school or work. It not only protects your health, but also saves you money.
    You can also create meal plans to plan meals to prepare throughout the week. And decide to prepare and freeze the items in advance. In this way, you can easily get through your busy days!
  4. Try This Quick Recipe
    If your sugar cravings are increasing, here’s a quick keto recipe for you!
    Instead of running to the nearest store to buy chocolate, grab some almond butter, coconut oil and cocoa powder. These ingredients create a very healthy recipe that tastes like candy but is still low in calories.
    For this, pour all the ingredients into a bowl and mix until it reaches the consistency. Put it in the freezer for around half an hour or take out once frozen.
    That’s it! You’ll have a quick snack that’s one of the easiest keto recipes out there that also benefits your health.
  5. Skip the Acidic Foods & Drinks
    Say goodbye to your acidic foods and drinks that include alcohol, sodas, low-fat dairy products, and sweetened teas or coffees (but don’t worry, black coffee is keto).
    These are foods and drinks that negatively affect your health and alkaline balance which is essential in your diet. This doesn’t mean you’ll ditch them forever, you just need to skip them temporarily as you go with Keto diet.
    PS. Try drinking things like protein shakes, reduced-sugar juices, almond milk, or green tea!